How to Read the New Water Meters in Northwest Alabama for Leaks

What is a Water Meter?

A water meter is a device that measures the volume of water delivered to a belongings. Some water meters mensurate water in gallons while others measure in cubic anxiety.

Most residential h2o meters are located well-nigh the curb or sidewalk at the front end of the property in a concrete "box." The water meter box will take a metal or plastic lid and may be marked, "Water Meter."

Use a long screwdriver to remove the lid. Notwithstanding, be cautious equally insects, reptiles or other pocket-size animals occasionally take residence inside the boxes. Some water meters will take a pocket-size, hinged cover while others may not. Lift the embrace and use a damp rag to wipe the confront clean.


Water Meter

Side by side

Some water providers lock the lids of residential water meter boxes. If this is the instance, y'all may need to contact your provider or start with the visual inspections in Sections 2 and 3.

Agreement the Water Meter

Wait at your water meter to decide if you lot have an analog (dial) or a digital display. Instructions for reading both types of water meters are included in this section.

Reading the Analog Display

The large sweep hand on the dial measures water use in gallons or cubic feet. One gallon or 1 cubic foot of water passes through the water meter as the sweep hand moves from one number to the side by side (e.g., 0 to 1). A complete rotation equals 10 gallons or 10 cubic feet depending on the unit of measurement measured. Nigh analog dials take a low-flow indicator that turns as water moves through the water meter. This typically looks like a small-scale triangle (shown), star or gear.

Analog Example: The sweep hand is on the "1" so the read is 1,356,411 gallons. The concluding number on the right is a static zero (does not alter). When the sweep hand is on the "3" the read will be 1,356,413 gallons. When you record your reading in the Leak Detection Test, make certain to utilize the number indicated by the sweep arm as the final digit.

Analog Water Meter

Activating and Reading the Digital Display (LCD)

The digital meter needs lite for activation so you may need to shine a flashlight on it. The display alternates betwixt the meter read and the flow rate. The meter read equals the gallons (or cubic feet) used while the flow rate equals the number of gallons (or cubic feet) per minute flowing through the h2o meter. Some digital meters allow review of historical water use. This feature helps track h2o utilise trends such equally when leaks have occurred. Check your water provider's website for more information.


Analog Water Meter


Homes in Phoenix measure water use in cubic feet (marked on dial face up). One cubic human foot equals seven.48 gallons. Multiply the cubic anxiety by 7.48 to obtain the number of gallons.

Leak Detection Exam

Once you know how to read your water meter, y'all can begin to cheque for the presence of continuous leaks by following the process below. Practice not use water or operate any water-using devices in or around your dwelling house during the test.

Step-past-Pace Instructions

For Analog Display Meters

  1. Observe the sweep hand. If it is moving, you have a continuous leak.
  2. Observe the depression-flow indicator. If it is moving, you have a continuous leak.
  3. Some leaks are so small that the motility is almost undetectable. To make up one's mind if y'all take a slow leak:
    1. Read your water meter and record the numbers in the boxes nosotros've provided ("Fill in your meter readings Make full in your meter readings"). Use the number indicated by the sweep arm equally the final digit.
    2. Wait 20 minutes and so read your h2o meter again and record the numbers.
    3. Subtract the starting time water meter reading from the 2nd.
    4. If Gallons Used is greater than zero yous have a continuous leak.

For Digital Display (LCD) Meters

  1. Discover the period rate screen for at to the lowest degree 10 flashes. If the number is greater than zippo on whatever of the flashes, you have a continuous leak.
  2. Some leaks are very dull and may not show as a continuous menstruum. To determine if y'all take a slow leak follow Pace three above.


Example of the presence of a continuous leak:

iind Read: - 1st Read: = Gallons Used:

Fill in your meter readings:

Wait 20 minutes between taking meter readings. Enter readings below to determine number of gallons used.

2nd Read: - 1st Read: = Gallons Used:


Side by side

You may desire to confirm that no water apply occurred during your exam, such as a flushed toilet or faucet use. Other possible reasons for small amounts of water apply include pool refill (autofill activated), evaporative cooler refill, icemaker refill, contrary osmosis (RO) organization regeneration or water softener regeneration. Consider turning off their h2o supplies.

Methods to Detect the Location of Leaks

This guide provides two methods to observe the location of leaks: the Isolation Method and the Visual Inspection Method. A brief clarification of both methods follows.

Isolation Method

Methods to Detect

The purpose of the Isolation Method is to isolate dissimilar sections of the plumbing in and around your home. If your Leak Detection Test (Section ane) indicated a continuous leak, consider using the Isolation Method to discover the leak location. This is often the quickest style to locate ongoing, hard-to-find leaks. You will turn water supply valves "off" to preclude water from flowing into h2o supply pipes. If yous are comfortable turning valves on and off, go to Isolation Method for Continuous Leaks (Section iv).

Visual Inspection Method

Conduct the Visual Inspection Method if you did not observe a continuous leak when you performed the Leak Detection Test (Department one) or if yous are uncomfortable with the Isolation Method. Apply the checklists in the Outdoor Visual Leak Inspection (Department 2) and Indoor Visual Leak Inspection (Section iii) to conduct visual leak inspections effectually your home.

CAUTION! Shut-off valves may neglect or break if they are old or corroded. You lot should only plough shut-off valves past mitt.

Did You Know?

A 0.ane gallon per minute leak wastes iv,320 gallons per month.

That equates to as much as 51,840 gallons of water per year!

Adjacent Section


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